iVillage shout out

August 31, 2010

i-Village has been retooling their home site and officially launched last Thursday.   Having launched initially WAY back in 1995 when most of us weren't even aware of the world wide web yet, it deserved some style botox.  It's the first community based lifestyle website. Check it out if you haven't already.  Bravo obsessed, I got to shoot one of the DC Housewives, Mary Schmidt Amons, for them and it was a blast. Check it out here.

Live large,


I lived in Miami for one amazing blink and that's where the obsession started. The Delano Hotel had just opened up and Lincoln road was starting to get a buzz but the full on chaos hadn't started.  One day I had visited a friend at the Raleigh Hotel.  She was laying out by their fantastic pool.  It was art deco at it's finest and made me realize that the Carolina Country Club where I grew up was a sorry excuse for a pool.   

Love !   Love !  Love!

I'm also a sucker for Reed Krakoff (Coach's Creative Director) pool in Southampton featured in Elle Decor. Love his pool house that's both family friendly but still cool enough for adult only entertaining.  This is very hampton-eque the way the pool is set surrounding by lawn.  Elegant. 

Upping the anty, is the Four Seasons in Costa Rica.  What a gorgeous infinity pool.  I'd be happy celebrating Labor Day here... 

Another hotel pool that's gotten more covers than Kate Moss is the Pervolias on Santorini. Book me a ticket now!  Also an infinity pool, you don't even need a cabana boy with this view!

Love pools?  Dive into Kelly Klein's book which is the next best thing to being poolside.  

I'm off to swim...

Live large, 

Summer bedding

August 26, 2010

Every designer knows that a gallon of paint is one of the quickest ways to transform, well just about anything. Another instant room updater is a bedding change.  Having seasonal bedding isn't about keeping up with Martha but giving your bedroom a fresh, seasonal look.   This year, I took a different approach after being inspired by this gorgeous Italian Vogue magazine bedding shot and made my Madeira hand stitched white and gray tablecloth as my summer bedding and it's been perfect. I picked it up at an Antique Show in Hamptons for $20 and when I crawl into it at night, makes me feel like I am in Rome. I mean, why not?  Large bolts of fabric could also be fun to try as seasonal bedding. It's no commitment and let's you try out different looks (which is a serious side effect to my job).

But the bedding deals are on.  Like buying boots at the end of the season to score a great deal, companies are practically throwing beautiful summer bedding at us so stock up for next summer.

Here's a few I've found:

Horchow-Every wasp's secret bedding source for deals.  An all white dreamy bed with lots of fashion details like puckering. Very romantic.  Sale ends TODAY.

Sidenote:  Keep your same bedding but order a flat sheet monogrammed to jazz up your look. Horchow's monogramming, especially on sale, is the best.   All the ladies who lunch would approve.

Garnet Hill does a fantastic job with bedding.  Great price points and different looks.  Eileen Fischer's home collection for them doesn't actually photograph as great as it is in person. It's like the perfectly wore pair of Italian linen pants.  They aren't on sale yet though so keep watching the sight.  Garnet Hill does have it's adorable dot collection on sale and it's FUN! I see this in the kids room or the guest room or the beach house. Playful, happy and a steal at $38 and up!  Adorable, right?

And what colors....

For you magazine readers, it's hard to find a home story that doesn't have West Elm's puckered bedding.  It's really every stylist's go to place because the bedding is modern and well priced.  They also have a beautiful organic collection. While not every room can pull off mauve, when done right, it rocks.  

Macy's carries Martha Stewart's bedding and Calvin Klein-both do great beds.  This adorable striped twin is from Tommy Hilfiger. Graphic and kid friendly.  

And if you've ever wanted lipstick red sheets, these are ready for the taking...

And all on sale.....gotta love....
Live large, 


August 25, 2010

It's pouring rain. So odd to see after the non ending heat wave.   I feel seriously cheated over summer.  One of my favorite things about living in New York is how great the summers can be.  Usually, in June the city clears out and it hangs around 60-70.  Of course, the hot days come but not like this or for this long... So to have four-count them FOUR days of straight gray skies and constant mist, now pouring rain, it's gone from August for three months to late October.  ENOUGH weather man. I'm holding you responsible. 

So humor me and let me go to a wacky place. Swim caps.  They've always fascinated me. Not the new sexless strange ones that people use at the Y but the beautiful old vintage ones like this:

What's great is that they're easy to find at fleas and because they don't fall into any of the "hot collecting" categories like industrial pieces or mid century or shabby chic, they're a bargain.  These I spotted at Round Top, Texas and were $5.

Hum, wonder if they'll fit in at Main Beach, East Hampton this weekend?

Live large,

Nate's hitting NYC

Yesterday, I went to a taping of the Nate Berkus Show and while I can't say anything about it because it hasn't actually hit the airways yet, it reminded me of a favorite show he did on Oprah.  It was his very first show for her in which he transformed a 319 square foot apartment into something really chic. It was great TV-transformative and smartly done.  If you want to see it, check it out here.   His tips are relevant today, eight years later.

1.  Find furniture scaled for smaller places. Doesn't mean Every Piece has to be but an apartment scaled sofa or chair is made for us small space dwellers and look proportionally right in the room. I also love because you can fit more in....

2.  2 in 1 pieces
Have the ottoman that also has storage for winter sweaters or the side table that can open up to be a full dining table when you need it (2x a year). Check out this adorable storage ottoman, covered in velvet for some va va voom to it.  It'd be great at the end of bed in "boudoir" or used as coffee table in a small living/den with a large tray for books and knick knacks.  At $258, it's a piece worth considering from Urban Outfitters.  

Since that show taped, big box stores to boutiques have wised up and given us much more from both these categories of furniture. CB2 alone is based on this sort of dweller so no more excuses for ugly furniture!

Live large,

ps.  Maybe it's the third day of rain but I am actually sad to be entering Oprah's final season. Having grown up with her 4pm segment, it's weird to think she won't be. Full disclosure is that I dont' watch her now but I like knowing she's on...I felt the same way about Cheers, Friends and Phil Donahue.  (Weird logic, I know).   Check out the ticker on Oprah.com that is gearing down to the big start on 9/13.  You know they're pulling out all the stops...Since she's already given away cars, maybe this year they'll give away houses...

Late Summer Inspirations

August 20, 2010

Last week, I took a midweek city escape, taking a quick train ride up the Hudson River (gorgeous trip!) just twenty minutes or so and ended up at Wave Hill, a lovely small garden that folks in the Know had told me to hit.   Last week, they had their last sunset garden tour and I couldn't resist.  Families were picnicking, flowers were on high alert and artists were painting. It was heaven!   One thing I really loved were the chairs. I had seen similar chairs on shoots but these are the real deal. They were created for Wave Hill and are a variation of the famous Rietveld design.  They sell them in the gift shop for $200 and up and are handmade at the Wave Hill Studio. I'm going to add these beauties to my daydream about backyards and sleeping porches. 

Perhaps it's the elephant ears down mad in the park or all the herbs in the window but I am foliage crazy right now.  This classic "Martinique" wallpaper decorated the glam  Beverly Hills Hotel and comes in a few colorways.  I feel like I see this in a lot of Country Clubs too.  Something about it makes me want to break out the rattan ware and host bridge club. I think I'd wear original Lilly and serve shrimp salad in avocado. Sounds about right... 

Summer drinks are my favorite-light, diverse and well, did I mention light?  Being mid-August, I'm getting that itch to be somewhere surrounded by water that isn't NYC.  Maybe it's Capri or Santorini but some place where the locals score an A+ at lounging. THOSE are my people.  In their honor, I'd drink a campari cocktail.  I only have one when I drink them but it is almost as good as a ticket on Alitalia.  

Campari and Soda


1 oz. Campari

2 oz. Club soda

1 Orange slice


Pour Campari over ice in a highball glass. Add club soda. Garnish with an orange slice.

PS Happy150th Birthday, Campari!

Live large, 

Summer Camp

The other day I got a care package from my sweet sis full of southern treats.  Now, maybe these don't blow up your skirt but I assure you, they do mine.   Here's the breakdown:

Deep fried peanuts (yes, everything is fried-if possible- in the South). This has become my sister's summer starter standby.  I keep cheese straws around for impromtu drinks party which I'm happy to report is happening more and more these days.
Grits- Shocking hard to find in NYC. Crook's Corner in Chapel Hill is famous for theirs but this is less refined and makes the perfect shrimp and grits ever.
Moonshine Jelly- Don't ask but it is a conversation starter on the table.
Ham - Very similar to prosciutto to you foodies.  Makes the perfect ham biscuit.

Her "South on a Plate" package got me thinking about sleep away summer camp and how FUN it was to get a care package then.  I don't know if kids can do that now or even care as much but I've found a box full of treats makes a girl (of any age's) day.

Live large,

Garden Gluttony

August 18, 2010

The farmers market is ridiculous these days. Overfull with delicious things, I find I keep cancelling plans so I can stay in and cook.  Here are a few late summer things inspired from my tri-weekly visits.

Perfect mesh bags for toting around veggies.  Jayson Home and Garden,  $98 and up

Adorable baskets that will  look as good in on the counter as in the fridge.  Jayson Home and Garden, $20 and up

Can't leave for the market without these as dawg days set in!   Hat Attack (also sells fedora that Julia wears in Eat, Pray, Love),  $80

These come in handy when drying farm to table lettuces like French housewives by rolling the wet leaves in beautiful tea towels.  Voile!   Studio Patro, $22 each.

Live large, 

Shining Star

August 12, 2010

Tuesday I had the pleasure of shooting a super talented interior designer in Washington, DC.  She's been mentioned in several magazines as a tastemaker to watch and boy, are they right.  One of my most favorite parts of styling is getting into people's spaces and hers was no exception. Her personal style is fantastic with this great use of color and DIY in such a smart way.  After some discussion, I realized we're from the same place and her apartment is errily similar to my own, like decorating cosmic at work.  If she had a fan club, I'd be President.  I'll let you know when the story comes out.  If you're in the need for a stylish, fun designer who loves color (move over Jamie Drake) call her!


Topiaries to die for

August 11, 2010

Seems I'm stuck at the front door these days but perhaps because mine is sooooo "NYC condo board that requires all 532 doors in the building to be the same terrible shade of tan" that I am obsessed with how people spruce up their doors and the area in front of it.  Homeowners do all sorts of things to improve curb appeal but none seem so controversial as topiaries which are about as polarizing as Fox TV.   I will go on record as saying that if done well, I like them.  I worked for an Editor in Chief who HATED them so it was a bit awkward when we hired this TV stylist-to-stars to style a living room makeover and he used them.  It didn't go over well back at the office.  The boss almost pulled the story.

That said, I find them like book ends that focus the eye.  They also give the home's exterior a bit of personality.   Whether through the flora used or the vessels, it adds a bit of flair.  (OK screaming stylists who totally disagree. Stay with me.)   Of course, they can be "done ugly" but so can just about anything as decorating goes.  

Check these non-obtrusive versions.  They add a bit but don't "say" too much.  I'd consider these training wheels into the world of topiaries.

Now, these ubiquitous potted numbers were all over London.  You couldn't swing a pint without hitting a door with one, in fact.  This tailored yet chic door decor is like a Hermes bag. Hard to argue with a classic. 

But to really make the case, check this out.   This is a private home in Kensington (probably some footballer's home).  The topiaries go up to almost the second floor, absolutely gigantic.  What guts it takes to do this... And how much do I want to be invited to dinner?

Now, if the symmetrical or architecture gets to you, consider putting up something like this...Just one mind you... Picture taken at the really great shop, Dayles Ford Organic in too-chic-to-be-true, Belgravia.

Let me know how it turns out...

Live large, 

Nothing new and everything new

August 10, 2010

My mother quotes that a lot when she's out shopping and sees how things cycle in and out of style like bell bottoms and chintz.  At the ICFF show this spring, I was surprised to see a modern take on an old design.   O & G Studio showed a New England classic Windsor chair in bright, fun paint treatments.

The backstory:  The Windsor Chair first made it to the States in 1726 by the Gov of Pennsylvania.  British chairs were always kept natural but American versions were typically painted with milk paint.  There are seven styles within the Windsor family. You'd be hard pressed to enter any New England home and not find one of these bad boys.

So you can imagine my surprise to find such a classic at New York's most modern and forward thinking furniture show.   This is the place that offers a home to Phillip Stark designs.  Not the place to find antiques.

However, the Windsor looked fine surrounded by the plastic balls and mirror wall treatments.  In their press kit, they show how well the silver treatment bodes in an organic interior.  Can't you see this in some hyper chic hotel lobby or restaurant? I can.  The tag line of O & G Studio is also worth sharing.  

"Modern home furnishings with an old soul"  

I like that.

Live large, 

Benjamin Moore

August 9, 2010

I was a bit swamped on a job for client, Benjamin Moore, last week hence no blogs.  But I'm happily back in action and inspired from the experience.  It was a rare job that was both fun to produce and meaningful.  Benjamin Moore holds an annual student contest won this year by a real go getter. My job was to take her design and bring it to life.  Her design was impressive and fresh and her enthusiasm for design made my team work even harder to make it come to life.

Benjamin Moore sweetened the pot with a $10,000 first prize and of course, the winning room is shot adding real depth to a student's portfolio.  This is a contest with teeth.  

Working with a student as the "client" was fun. She taught me how to use Google's Sketch up program. It's amazing! She rendered a gorgeous and very professional design. I can't wait to find an excuse to use for something.  

Students from all over USA and Canada submit designs.  I wish I could call out the winner but sadly, it's still a secret but check out Benjamin Moore's site for a whole slew of paint ideas, tips and tricks as well as contest information.  

ps For the project, we used this new paint product from BM called Natura. It's zero VOC, dries in an hour and the room didn't smell like it just been painted.  Check out the line next time you have to paint. It's their greenest alternative. 

Live large, 

Delightful Doors

August 2, 2010

Besides afternoon tea and Cotswold countryside, my London obsession was their doors.  They have great doors.  In fact, I found myself jostling to snap pictures of random doorways, spotting other tourists doing the same.  I dream of the day that I can paint my door.  Sadly, I live in a co-op board who gets their panties in a wad if anyone does anything decorative (especially if it's attractive) to their door. For now, mine is painted the same "mudslide" brown as the other 400 plus apartments.   Sigh.

As most stylist/editors, I see a paint job as the quickest way to change a room.  So painting just a single door-preferably the front door- offers a dramatic change for 30 minutes of work.   Paint it seasonally or with your signature color, a front door is a blank canvas dying for some personality.

Here's a few I loved... let me know if you paint yours and I'll run a picture of it!

I stumbled upon this fantastic door in the tiny Castle Combe village, voted "Prettiest town in UK."  Well, I vote this prettiest door in UK (the gorgeous climbing vine doesn't hurt either) but isn't this color beautiful? The rest of the home is limestone so this is the single source of color.  "Brilliant!"

Very subtle periwinkle door stands out among a row of white brownstones. Elegant!

What I loved about this color is it was on a rather nondescript brownstone in London that needed a bit of upkeeping.  Yet, that color is strong and welcoming and adds a certain punch.

Sensing a trend, are you?  Yes, my mind was on blues I guess but this teal really caught my eye. It's feminine without being pink and is a more unusual choice as most doors seemed to be black, white or red.


Live large, 

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