Instant Party Makers

March 26, 2010

Maybe it's the daffodils and hyacinths loaded down on every street corner. Maybe it's my new party mix created from the itune Genesis tool.  Maybe its the changing roster of infused simple syrup cocktails taking over from hot toddies and Manhattans.  Maybe it's the burst of bright colors from new summer catalogs and the occasional "summer is coming" day that mocks NYC until June.  Maybe its the asparagus at the green market and Easter menu items suddenly stocked in the grocery stores.  Maybe it's the birds creating a symphany outside my window.  Maybe because March is birthday season for me. I celebreate getting older and wiser along with half my address book.

So Fridays I ususally write about things on sale but I'm in the mood for a party so here's a round up of some things that set a birthday fiesta in motion.  These simple smile makers don't cost a lot but hopefully, will inspire some trouble.

Spoon Sister owns "silly".  Check these out:

Or these hilarious roman numeral candles. 

Wanna make an entrance? Try sporting one of these from another site selling "funny",

Was the fake candy grill too much?   Alright, then order up some of these personalized balloons to win the hostess who thought of everything award.

Another go to site for all party planners is   I wouldn't consider producing an entertaining story without using something from it., $80. 

It isn't a party without cake, right?  Get inspiration from these fun cake pops from  The recipe is on the site as well as TONS of other cake pops.  

Hope this helps your next birthday bash!

Live Large,



Henley on the Horn said...

I love the cake balls and cake pops! One of these days I'm going to make them. That Bakerella is something! Thanks for the fun ideas. Will you plan the triplets' 9th birthday party?! said...


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