Thank you box

December 16, 2009

Ever have one of those days where you get that front row parking spot or there's no one in line at the post office or the bank teller (ooops, I meant Bank ATM) is available?? Those days are rare but great.  A few days ago, I was sitting at my desk and I had such a moment when I recieved an unassuming box that bore an awfully cool "E" stamp on the bottom right but otherwise, could have come from anywhere.

 It was a thank you from someone that truly was unexpected and unwarranted but boy, did it make my day.  It was filled with handcrafted felt flowers in different shapes, sizes and colors.

Now, way before Carrie Bradshaw on Sex and the City made wearing a large blossom hip, my mother would sport one for special occasions-a summer wedding, a ladies luncheon, so flower pins always make me think of southern ladies on their way to somewhere fun.

I love how this one has a  "Thank you so much" tag on it.

And this one, well, it's my favorite.

If you like flowers, check out to see all the lovely blooms that this talented artist makes.  And yes, that gorgeous girl sporting an oversized pink number tis the fabulous maker and the brave guy wearing a more subdued flower is her husband. Aren't they the most handsome couple ever??
These guys make sweet stocking stuffers if you need any last minute ideas.



jewelry without jewels said...

I love these! Checked out their site a few months ago :)


Sarah Copeland said...

Yet another darling discovery! Love them!

Erica L. Pelaccia said...

These are adorable. Such a great post!

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